Leadership conference (8 October 2013)

Rev Andrew Doarks presented content from the Global Leadership Summit he had attended in Chicago earlier in 2013.

He also shared a helpful definition that probably wasn’t from Chicago: stress is when you have been given responsibility but not the authority to make it happen.

Rev Andrew Doarks on Leadership
Rev Andrew Doarks on Leadership

Courage required for leadership

‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1:9)

‘This is a cause for which I am fully prepared to die.’ (Nelson Mandela)

1/ Vision: a picture of the future that creates passion and energises. The sense of where you want to go is even stronger than the sense of where you are now. “Where there is no vision, the people perish […]” (Proverbs 29:18). Many of us are given a vision by God that is too scary.

2/ Define current reality: declare an emergency, set a fire, pour on fuel.

3/ Build a fantastic culture (is there joy/honesty/accounability/integrity?)

4/ Establish values (before the vision), people can change!

Right title, wrong kingdom

This session left the following questions:

  • how can I be the best “Jesus” I can?
  • is there room in my chariot for someone else?
  • does my leadership expand the kingdom of God? or my reputation?
  • what difference does the Holy Spirit make in the way I lead?
Seek first the Kingdom [...]
Seek first the Kingdom […] (Matthew 6:33)

Multiplying your impact exponentially

1/ Matthew 9:37-38 – the size of the harvest depends on how many leaders you have

2/ Psalm 71:18 – vision only survives by investing in the next generation

3/ Numbers 11:10-17 God said pick your best leaders; so if there aren’t any pray them in.

4/ Mark 12:30-33 What must I do? Instill love in your leaders

5/ Acts 4:13 Courage is key. Spend time with Jesus.

Never do ministry alone. Togetherness is important. Jesus spent 9360 hours with his disciples, how much time are you spending with your leaders?

Mastering the skill of influence

Leadership is intentional influence that can be learned. Need to start by measuring things. Focus and measure. Importance of right targets and measures.

Mastering the skill of influence
Mastering the skill of influence


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